HSK 1 Vocabulary

Below you can find the vocabularies you need to learn for HSK 2.0 Level 1:


àiVerb: to love


Number: 8
爸爸bà baNoun: dad
北京Běi jīngNoun: Beijing
杯子bēi ziNoun: cup, glass
běnNoun: root, basis, foundation, origin, capital
Measure Word: for books, files, etc.
Adverb: no, not
不客气bú kè qiExpression: you are welcome


càiNoun: dish, vegetable
cháNoun: tea
chīVerb: to eat
出租车chū zū chēNoun: taxi


Adjective: big, great
打电话dǎ diàn huàVerb: to make a phone call
deParticle: to form an attribute
diǎnNoun: point, dot
Verb: to nod, to click
Measure Word: a little, a bit
电脑diàn nǎoNoun: computer
电视diàn shìNoun: TV(-set)
电影diàn yǐngNoun: movie, film
东西dōng xiNoun: thing
dōuAdverb: all, both
Pronoun: all, both
Verb: to read aloud
对不起duì bu qǐExpression: sorry, I’m sorry
duōAdjective: much, many
多少duō shaoAdverb: how many, how much


èrNumber: 2
儿子ér ziNoun: son


饭馆fàn guǎnNoun: restaurant
飞机fēi jīNoun: airplane
分钟fēn zhōngNoun: minute


高兴gāo xìngAdjective: happy, glad, cheerful
Measure Word: for almost everything
工作gōng zuòNoun: job
Verb: to work
gǒuNoun: dog


汉语hàn yǔNoun: Chinese language
hǎoAdjective: good, nice
Relative Clause: with
Conjunction: and
Verb: to drink
hěnAdverb: very, quite
后面hòu miànLocation: rear, back, behind
huíVerb: to return, to answer, to reply
Measure Word: for events of action
huìNoun: meeting, conference
Auxiliary Verb: can, to be able to
火车站huǒ chē zhànNoun: train station


Adverb: how many
Pronoun: several
jiāNoun: family, home, houshold
Measure Word: for businesses, families
jiàoVerb: to be called, to call, to shout
今天jīn tiānTime: today
jiǔNumber: 9


kāiVerb: to open, to start, to drive (car, etc.)
kànVerb: to see, to watch, to look at
看见kàn jiànVerb: to see, to catch sight of
kuàiMeasure Word: for a piece


láiVerb: to come, to arrive
Particle: ever since
老师lǎo shīNoun: teacher
leParticle: indicating past or change
lěngAdjective: cold
Location: in, inside
Measure Word: for 0.5 km
língNumber: 0
liùNumber: 6


maParticle: to form a question
妈妈mā maNoun: mother
mǎiVerb: to buy
māoNoun: cat
méiAdverb: not
没关系méi guān xiExpression: it doesn’t matter
米饭mǐ fànNoun: (cooked) rice
明天míng tiānTime: tomorrow
名字míng ziNoun: name


Pronoun: that
Pronoun: which
neParticle: to build a question based on already mentioned subjects
néngAuxiliary Verb: to be able to
Pronoun: you (singular)
niánNoun: year
女儿nǚ érNoun: daughter


朋友péng youNoun: friend
漂亮piào liangAdjective: pretty, beautiful
苹果píng guǒNoun: apple


Number: 7
qiánNoun: money
前面qián miànLocation: ahead, in front
qǐngVerb: to ask, to invite
Expression: please
Verb: to go


Adjective: hot, warm
rénNoun: person, people
认识rèn shiNoun: understanding, knowledge, awareness
Verb: to know, to recognize, to understand, to be familiar with
Noun: day, sun


sānNumber: 3
shàngVerb: to go up, to attend, to climb
Location: on, upon, previous, upper
商店shāng diànNoun: shop, store
上午shàng wǔNoun: morning
shǎoAdjective: few, little
shéiPronoun: who
什么shén mePronoun: what
shíNumber: 10
shìVerb: is, to be
时候shí houNoun: time, moment, period
shūNoun: book
shuǐNoun: Water
水果shuǐ guǒNoun: fruit
睡觉shuì jiàoVerb: to sleep, to go to bed
说话shuō huàVerb: to speak, to talk, to gossip
Number: 4
suìMeasure Word: “years old”


Pronoun: he
Pronoun: she
tàiAdverb: too, extremely
天气tiān qìNoun: weather
tīngVerb: to listen, to hear, to obey
Measure Word: for canned beverages
同学tóng xuéNoun: classmate


wèiVerb: to feed, to breed
Expression: hello
Pronoun: I
我们wǒ menPronoun: we
Number: 5


喜欢xǐ huanVerb: to like
xiàVerb: descend, fall
Measure Word: for times of action
Location: below, down, under
下午xià wǔNoun: afternoon
下雨xià yǔVerb: to rain
先生xiān shengNoun: Mister (Mr.), teacher
现在xiàn zàiTime: now
xiǎngVerb: to think, to miss
Auxiliary Verb: to want
xiǎoAdjective: small
小姐xiǎo jiěNoun: Miss, young lady
xiěVerb: to write
xiēMeasure Word: some, few, several
谢谢xiè xieExpression: thanks!
星期xīng qīNoun: week
学生xué shengNoun: student, pupil
学习xué xíVerb: to study, to learn
学校xué xiàoNoun: school


Number: 1
衣服yī fuNoun: clothes
医生yī shēngNoun: doctor
医院yī yuànNoun: hospital
椅子yǐ ziNoun: chair
yǒuVerb: to have, to exist, to be
yuèNoun: month, moon


zàiRelative Clause: at, on, in
Particle: for action in progress
再见zài jiànExpression: goodbye, see you
怎么zěn meAdverb: how
怎么样zěn me yàngAdverb: how is/are
Expression: how about that?
zhèPronoun: this
中国Zhōng guóNoun: China
中午zhōng wǔNoun: noon, midday
zhùVerb: to live, to stay, to reside
桌子zhuō ziNoun: table
Noun: word, character
zuòVerb: to do, to make
zuòVerb: to sit, to take (bus, train, etc.)
昨天zuó tiānTime: yesterday

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